Hoy resumen de mis capturas de Intagram @Adrian_Osle, os espero SEGUIRME!!
Today they summarize of my Intagram's captures @Adrian_Osle, I wait for you!! FOLLOW ME!!
Empecé el mes cocinando jajaja no cocino mucho pero estaba inspirado #EndulzandoLaVida
I began the month cooking lol I do not cook very much but I was inspired. #SweeteningTheLife
Aprovechamos las vacaciones de Semana Santa para encontrarme con amig@ y celebramos el cumpleaños de Itsaso.
We take advantage of the vacations of pascua to meet with my friends and celebrate Itsaso's birthday.
1. Junto a Cristina y Alba.
2. Con mi primo Marino y Rebeca // With my cousin Marino and my friend Rebeca.
We take advantage of the vacations of pascua to meet with my friends and celebrate Itsaso's birthday.
1. Junto a Cristina y Alba.
2. Con mi primo Marino y Rebeca // With my cousin Marino and my friend Rebeca.
3. Y mi amiga y fotógrafa Itsaso // And my friend and photographer Itsaso.
☆ ★ You are big for what you dream ☆ ★ #ArtOfTheStreet #ArteDeLaCalle
El día 13 tuve la suerte de estas como invitado en el programa de televisión #CantabriaPorLaMañana justo a la Estilista de Moda Berta Oporto y la presentadora Isabel. Post: IN THE TELEVISION.
On the 13th I was lucky of these as guest in the television program #CantabriaPorLaMañana with the fashionable Stylist Berta Oporto and the presenter Isabel. Post: IN THE TELEVISION.
Junto a Berta Oporto y la blogger Sara Martinez.
Estrenando mi chaqueta DIY de estampado militar.
My new jacket DIY of military print.
Con mi familia. En la foto mi tía Loli y en el centro mi prima Rocio. #ChinChin
With my family. In the photo my aunt Loli and in the center my cousin Rocio. ¡Cheers!
Día maravilloso y soleado en Oviedo para disfrutar de unas compras con mi Amigas Rebeca y La Sony.
Wonderful and sunny day in Oviedo to enjoy a few purchases with my friends Rebeca and La Sony.
En una tienda de ropa de Oviedo con la India al mas puro estilo VILLAGE PEOPLE jajaja
In a shop of clothes of Oviedo with the India to the purest style VILLAGE PEOPLE. lol
Momentos graciosos para recordar con una de mis mejores amigas REBECA.
Graceful moments to remember with one of my best friends REBECA.
Amazing as always. And you actually look awesome with that hair on last photo !
ResponderEliminarNew post on UniqueYeah !
No te tengo en Instagram, aquí te dejo el mío por si quieres que nos sigamos (@dancepaco) !! Unas fotos bonitas
Muy chulas las fotos del insta!!!
ResponderEliminarFROM; bertthings.blogspot.com
You are very beautiful :)
Padrisimo Recuento ✌ April is the best month of the year :)
Nice pics!!!I love your blog,follow me on gfc and i follow you back!!now i follow you on instagram,pinterest,tweeter ,google+ i hope you follow me back!!!kiss
ResponderEliminarQué de fotos, por lo que veo ha sido un mes de abril movidito !
ResponderEliminarun besito,
- laruedelamode -
Wow! Great post! I really love instagram app!:)